Bible Light

Sunday School Lessons

Thy word is a light unto my path.Psalm 119:105

How can I get on the royal road to heaven?

In Matthew 7:13-14 Jesus said that there are two roads in life. The narrow one goes to Heaven and the wide one goes to Hell. To get on the narrow road you must hate your sins; give them to Jesus so you can go through the narrow gate at the foot of the cross. Jesus took the punishment for your sins by dying on the cross, but after three days He arose from the dead to live forever. He will give you eternal life when you receive Him as your Savior (John 10:28-29; 1 John 5:11-13).

The Royal Road to Heaven

There are four basic questions that God answers in Romans to put you on the narrow road to Heaven.

  1. WHO AM I? Romans 3:12 and 23 say I have sinned and will not reach the glory of God in Heaven. As a result I am a LOST SINNER; I am on the wide road that goes to Hell.
  2. WHO IS JESUS? Romans 4:25 says that Jesus died for my sins, but was raised from the dead so God could save me and remove my sins. Since He is the only one that has done this for me, He is the ONLY SAVIOR that can save me from Hell. Romans 5:8 says that God showed His love for me when He did this for me.
  3. WHAT ARE MY CHOICES? Romans 6:23 says the wages for my sins is death (eternal separation from God in Hell), but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. This say that I have two choices: (1) I can keep my SIN and stay on the wide road to Hell; or, (2) I can receive Jesus as my SAVIOR and be on the narrow road that goes to Heaven. When I receive Jesus, I must hate my sins, which put Him on the cross, and have no desire to return to them. I must give my load of sins to Him so I can get through the narrow gate.
  4. HOW CAN I RECEIVE JESUS AS MY SAVIOR? Romans 7:24-25 shows me that I must admit that I am a sinful person and only Jesus can save me from my sins. I must REPENT by turning away from my sins and turn to Jesus. Romans 10:13-14 says I must BELIEVE that He will save me from Hell and allow me to go on the road to Heaven when I CALL on His name. Jesus said in John 14:6 that He is the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to His Father, but by Him. John 1:12 says I become a child of God when I receive Jesus as my Savior, 1 John 5:11-13 says if I have His Son, I have eternal life and can know it now. When I believe what God has promised in the Bible, I should thank Him again and again for His marvelous gift (see Luke 17:12-19; 2 Corinthians 9:15). Romans 10:9-10 says when I truly believe that Jesus Christ has saved me, I will tell others about this good news about God’s gift to me. Have you received Jesus as your Savior so you know that you are on the narrow road to Heaven? If not, do it now before it is too late.